Choose a color scheme with style! Carefully and precisely choose your color set for use in web design, graphic design, wedding planning, or any application where a color scheme is needed. The colors can easily be used in a webpage (CSS properties), shared via email to anyone, saved/loaded or entered in any other program accepting RGB values.
-= Friendly color wheel interface (HSV) =-
-= Start with complementary, analogous, tetrad,
or other starting color scheme templates =-
-= Customize your own color scheme template =-
-= Save/load unlimited custom color schemes =-
-= Friendly color-choosing from any photo =-
-= Easily email any color scheme =-
-= Provides numeric values for all colors
in various formats (e.g. #F8A830, etc.) =-
For all feature requests or other feedback, please email us at:
[email protected]